All you need to know about the house dust mite
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Interesting mite species for study

Below are some astonishing mite and animal relationships that have evolved over millions of year of live on earth. Have a look through before going on to an important mite for human health 'Dermatophagoides' spp.

Some clever mites to note in your introduction on the study of mites, but remember that the house dust mite may be the smartest of all, because it changed from being a parasite to becoming a scavenger.

  1. Name: Acarapis woodii (Tarsonemidae)
    Home: in the throat of honey bees
    Occupation: parasitic on host
    Source: Sammataro & Needham 1996
  2. Name: Antennequesoma (Trachyuropodidae)
    Home: On the terminal antennal segments of army ants
    Occupation: Steals food
    Source: Krantz 1978
  3. Name: Cheyletidae - various genera
    Home: In the feather shafts of birds
    Occupation: Preys on parasitic mites inside feather
    Source: Atyeo et al. 1984
  4. Name: Cloacaridae
    Home: Lives in the rectum of turtles
    Occupation: parasitic on host blood & mucosal tissue
    Source: Camin et al. 1967
  5. Name: Coreitarsonemus (Tarsonemidae)
    Home: In the 'stink' glands of bugs - insects with heads (Hemiptera)
    Occupation: parasitic?
    Source: Krantz 1978
  6. Name: Demodex folliculorum D.Brevis (Demodicidae)
    Home: in human facial pores, eyelash & eyebrow
    Occupation: parasite, causing pimples or dermatitis occasionally
    Source: Krantz 1978
  7. Name: Dicrocheles (Dermanyssidae)
    Home: in the ears of noctuid moths
    Occupation: feeds on haemolymph, but avoids deafening the moth by living in one ear only. This is so the moth can hear bats and avoid being eaten along with the mite.
    Source: Treat 1975
  8. Name: Enterohalacarus minutipalpis (Halacaridae)
    Home: in the digestive system of sea urchins
    Occupation: parasitic?
    Source: Bartsch 1987
  9. Name: Entonyssinae (Laelapidae)
    Home: in the lungs of snakes
    Occupation: parasitic
    Source: Domrow 1987
  10. Name: Gastronyssus bakeri (Gastronyssidae)
    Home: in the stomach lining of fruit eating bats
    Occupation: parasitic
    Source: Fain & Hyland 1985
  11. Name: Hypodectes propus (Hypoderidae)
    Home: in the fat under the skin of pigeons
    Occupation: parasitically 'absorbs' nutrients from fat, this mite has evolved without a mouth
    Source: Fain 1969
  12. Name: Kennethiella trisetosa (Winterschmidtiidae)
    Home: in the acarinara (mite pockets) of wasps
    Occupation: a sexually transmitted parasites of wasp larvae
    Source: Cowan 1985
  13. Name: Larvamima (Larvamimidae)
    Home: in the brood chambers of army ants,
    Occupation: mimics ant larvae and may prey on larvae when ants are not looking
    Source: Elzinga 1993
  14. Name: Macrocheles lukoschusi (Macrochelidae)
    Home: Near the anus of sloths
    Occupation: Feeds on the sloth's parasitic worms associated with dung or rectum (hypothesized)
    Source: Kratz 1983
  15. Name: Macrocheles rettenmeyeri (Macrochelidae)
    Home: Attached to the front or end of army ant feet
    Occupation: parasitic on ant's blood, but careful not to interfere with the working of the foot by helping to function as part of the foot
    Source: Gotwald 1996
  16. Name: Opsonyssus (Gastronyssidae)
    Home: On the eyeballs of fruit bats
    Occupation: parasitic
    Source: Fain 1969
  17. Name: Orthohalarachne (Halarachnidae)
    Home: In the nasal passages and lungs of seals
    Occupation: Parasitic on blood and mucosal tissue of hosts
    Source: Kim 1985
  18. Name: Paraspinturnix globosus (Spinturnicidae)
    Home: Inside the anus of hibernating Myotis bats
    Occupation: Parasitic or just overwintering
    Source: Radovsky 1985
  19. Name: Rhinoseius (Ascidae)
    Home : In the nostrils of hummingbirds
    Occupation : use the birds as transport between flowers, their true sources of food
    Source : Colwell & Naeem 1994


Mites: Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour, D.E. Walter, H.C. Proctor, 1999, CABI Publishing, ISBN 0 85199 375 3

'Dust Mites', Matthew J. Colloff, 2009 'Springer Publishing', ISBN: 9789048122233

Is Permanent Parasitism Reversible? - Critical Evidence from Early Evolution of House Dust Mites', Pavel B Kilmov, Barry O'Connor,'Oxford University Press' on behalf of the Society of Systemic Biologists (2013) doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syt008