All you need to know about the house dust mite
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House Dust Mite (HDM) allergy and eye disease

The risk of developing serious eye conditions during the winter months or in the pollen season is increased by continuous exposure to allergens associated with allergic disease and conjunctivitis. How the eye protects itself is described in this short article. Avoidance of allergens, such as from pollens or house dust mites HDM enzymes is recommended to reduce the risk of irritation.
The eye is a common site for the development of allergic inflammation because eye irritants, including harmful allergens, are easily deposited directly onto the surface of the eye. Other than the release of repellent mediators such as histamine (making the eye red, sore or itchy) the eye has no mechanical barrier to prevent the impact that allergens create. To make matters worse, tears themselves, bearing agents of allergy absorbed from other parts of the body, may carry these onto the eye. During the winter months or the pollen season it is important for patients who suffer from allergies and allergic disorders such as conjunctivitis, chronic hay fever, eczema or asthma, to be diligent in practicing allergen avoidance.

Please note: cross-reactivity in allergy is common. If you are allergic to grass pollen it may be wise to avoid eating wheat during the grass pollen season because wheat is a cultivated grass and your immune system may recognise the similarity.


Allergic Diseases of the Eye, Dr. Leonard Bielory, The Medical Clinics of North America, 90 (2006): pages 129-148.

Allergy and Allergic Disease, 1997, Editor A.B. Kay, 'John Wiley & Sons', ISBN 978-1-4951-5720-9, Chapter 62, Quantification of IgE both as total immunoglobulin and as allergen specific antibodies. T.G. Merritt